This index page serves as repository for WTIC memorabilia. It leads to subordinate displays, audio and video clips contributed by alumni and others.
Many items were contributed by Ed Brouder of ManFromMars Productions. His broadcast career dates from WDRC but his online museum features air checks of many Hartford area personalities. Visit him at

This is the earliest known WTIC printed envelope indicia. It dates from when the station was in the old Travelers building on Grove Street in downtown Hartford


Dewey Dow contributed the following clip from the Meriden Record-Journal dated 1926.
"The radio is growing in popularity in Meriden and almost every day finds new devotees "listening in." Dealers report a continually increasing number of sales and while a few years ago only those inclined to carry on experiments were interested in wireless, the present-day instrument has been adapted by those who seek entertainment and enlightenment. Musical programs, both vocal and instrumental, as well as addresses on timely subjects and sermons, are being received daily and all the big sporting events are now broadcast. The radio fans of Meriden have not looked forward to any program with the universal interest being taken in the "Meriden Night" program to be broadcast from station WTIC of the Travelers insurance company of Hartford tonight. Groups will gather at the Legion home, the Elks Club, another in Grand Army hall, still another in the Meriden National Bank and many other places so high is the interest."

1930 Letter from Advertiser
1970 Calendar Showing GHO
50,000 Watts-what it will do for you in NEW ENGLAND ca. 1930
Advance Magazine 12/1961
Advertisement 1953

Allen Ludden Clip 1953
Announcers 1965
Announcers brochure
Antenna Towers 1939
Arnold Dean & The Red Sox Trophy
Atwood-Kern 1965
Avon Transmitter Site
Begley's, Pattee, and Floyd Richards (ca. 1940-1945)
Bob Coe to Bob Ellsworth Letter with Jay Ray Picture 1975
Bob Ellsworth, Dick Bertel, Ed Anderson, Floyd Richards 1960
Bob Scherago, Dick Bertel, (and a Clown) at the Circus
Bob Steele and Bill Savitt Advertisement 01/24/72
Bob Steele, Dick Bertel, Bill Hanson 1963
Bob Steele/Doye O'Dell
Bob Steele & Joe McGuinness 1984
Bob Steele and Broadcast House Drawing Early 1960s

Bob Steele to Speak to Men's Club 12/02/1946
Bob Steele - Young
Bob Steele Inducted into Radio Hall of Fame (03/1995)
Bob Steele Way Plaque
Bob Tyrol Appointed Announcer 12/01/1941
Bob Steele in Bulkeley Stadium Motorcycle Program
Bob Tyrol Appointed Announcer 12/01/1941
Bob Tyrol's Expenses 1952
Boob Meetings featured in Hartford Magazine 01/2008
Brad Davis & Milk
Broadcast House Construction (1961)
Broadcast House Demolition 10/17/2009, 11/23/2009, 04/29/2010
Broadcast House in the Hartford Courant 11/26/61
Broadcast House Photos 1967-1974
Broadcast House Tape Machines
Broadcaster Statue
Broadcaster Statue Historical Pictures
Broadcaster Statue Miniature
Broadcasting Article by Harold Dorschug (05/1971)
Bumper Sticker
Bumper Stickers Old & New
Calendar Showing Constitution Plaza 1964-1966
Carnival Quiz with Gene & Glenn
Christmas Party 1945
Confirmed Reception 1929
Confirmed Reception Stamp
Constitution Plaza 1968
Constitution Plaza 1974
CT Historical Society donation by WTIC Alumni
CT Historical Society Mention of WTIC Alumni Donation
D-Day & WTIC - June 19, 1944 Broadcasting Magazine
Deercliff Baseball Game 1950
Dick Bertel & Harry Parcell 1959
Directional Antenna
Don Moore Photo featured in "Perception"
Don Tuttle Adv 1970
Downtown Hartford Antennas
Early VCR (1958?)
Eisenhower at Trinity
Election Coverage (1956)
Erroneous EBS Alert
Fake Invoice 1944
Female Dress Code 1972 (Courtesy of Jeff Hugabonne)
Flood of 1936
Flood of 1936 - Travelers Beacon
Frank Atwood & President Eisenhower
Frank Atwood's Biggest Thrill: Meeting Ike! (7/10/1955)
 Fred Edwards Memorabilia Page
Fred Edwards & Ham Radio in the Flood of 1936
FM Studio-Lani Jarev 1965
Gates 5kW Transmitter in Windsor Museum
George Conklin in WTIC Studios
General Assembly Resolution 1965
Gerald Dyar and WTIC First Stereo Broadcast
Gold Building Photos (After the Sale)
Gold Building Staff Photos
Hank Keene Booklet Cover
Hank Keene Booklet Page 3
Hap Richards Postcard 1958    Front     Back
Hap Richards in Hartford Parade (1960s?)
Hartford Times WTIC-TV Special Section-First day on the air (1957)
High Voltage Sign
Hootenanny Road Show
Hospital Scene WTIC-TV ca. 1959
It Happened to Jane WTIC bit role
Kenn Venit & June Lockhart
Lady's Handkerchief
Margaret Thomas Christmas Show 1946
Master Control 1965

Match Book
Media Gang 10/13/2007 Picture 1  Picture 2
Mill In Rescue Demo 06/1973
Mind Your Manners With Allen Ludden 1947-1948
Mind Your Manners 1965
Misc. Photos From Jean Manning
The Mixing Bowl ca. 1932
Monitor Salutes WTIC 8/14/1964
"NBC Curtails Service" The Hartford Times 12/31/59
NERN Broadcasting Ad 05/1947
Newsroom 1965
New York City TV News trip (ca. 1972-1974)
Old Photo
Patricelli Profile in "Broadcasting" 01/29/1968
Perception: Ron Rolly (1960)
Picture of Russian Orthodox Liturgy Telecast
Plaza Entrance
Pre 1941 Radio Dial
Program Directors 1965
Program Guide 1970s era
Program Guide 1974
QST Article 1929
Radio Schedule 1970
Radiolog Paul Lucas 1931
Ranger Andy
Ranger Andy Ticket

Reunion at FOIA Day of Kenn Venit & Pat Sheehan
Reunion of Joe Crowley & Steve Cohn at WHDH-7 in Boston
Review of Book by George Malcolm Smith (9/21/57) (Courtesy of Dick Bertel)
Ron Rollie 1959
Ron Rollie & Alistair MacDonald 1959
Ross Miller in "Hit Parader" 1959
Ross Miller, Sam Balnius, and Eddie Arnold
Rusty Rogers Letter August, 2010
Sales Party photos courtesy of Chuck Albert (1970s-1980s)
Sam Balnius & Dick Heinze
Souvenir Book 1939
Space (1967)
Stan Simon 1965
Steele-Downes 1965
"Old" Studio D - Pre-1939
Synchronization (1930)
Theater 7 Newspaper Clipping 11/29/1961
TIC TOC Issues From 1962-1970

They Said Radio Was Dead 1965
Transmitter Plaque
Travelers Beacon (Jan-Feb, 1965) Containing WTIC References
Travelers Beacon (October, 1940) Containing WTIC References
Travelers From East Hartford
Travelers Weather Service Radar (Broadcast Engineering June, 1972)
Tube from 1933 WTIC-AM Transmitter
TV in the Field 1960

UCONN Basketball Broadcast 1975-1976
Unknown Party
Victor Chain (date unknown)
Vietnam Coverage (1965)
Visit to Vintage Radio Museum 2002
Voice of the People Photo (1957)
Voice of the People Hartford Times Article (1957)
WDAK Photo of J.C. Randall (Future WTIC plant manager)
Webster Then/Now
WFSB on Wikipedia
What In the World 1965
What Will Be on Channel 3? (03/03/1957)
Who's Who On the Air (Unknown Date... probably 1960s)
World War II Comes to An End (1945)
WTIC-TV/(WFSB) 65th Anniversary
WTIC Industry Ads (1962, 1966)
WTIC Blue Book Late 1960s
WTIC Bowling Trophy Plaques
WTIC Election Ad 1960 (Courtesy of Doug Bertel)
WTIC FCC History (Courtesy of Robert Paine)
WTIC First Day on the Air (02-25-1925) (Courtesy Robert Paine)
WTIC Goes to War
WTIC's 30th Birthday (2/6/1955)
WTIC Global War Map (1943?)
WTIC Industry Ads (1962, 1966)
WTIC Locations Through The Years
WTIC Management 1965
WTIC Microphone
WTIC Mics Through the Years
WTIC in the National Capital Radio and Television Museum Journal with Dick Bertel Article (02/2017)
WTIC Phone List 1973
WTIC Plans Full Time on the Air (November 1930) (Courtesy Robert Paine)
WTIC Players 1965
WTIC Poster
WTIC Program Listing-August, 1930 (Courtesy Robert Paine)
WTIC-FM QSL card 1968
WTIC Radio Ad in "Broadcasting"
WTIC Radio Personalities 1938
WTIC Radio Personalities 1954
WTIC Radio - Six Years on the Air 1931
WTIC - Radio to Remember 1985
WTIC RCA Microphone
WTIC Record Label
WTIC Sale in the Courant
WTIC Studios 2001
WTIC Tower Pictures
WTIC Transmitter Late 1950's
WTIC Transmitter Slides
WTIC - Wikipedia
WTIC-TV Ad in "Broadcasting"
WTIC-TV Radar Tower @ Full Height in 1968 (Courtesy of John Ramsey)
WTIC/WFSB Transmitter Site
WTIC White Book (ca. 1962-3)
WTIC 1960

The late Ken Smith, VP and WTIC-TV station manager kept extensive archives.

Joanne D'Eugenio, his daughter,
has graciously donated them to our museum.

Here are some excerpts of hundreds of documents donated.

1956-07-25 Travelers Awarded CH3 by FCC
---Newspaper page unfortunately incomplete

1960 Construction of Constitution Plaza
1960 Invitation to see Plaza Model
1961-10-06_Travelers_Buys_Broadcast_House (News Release)
1961-11_Travelers_Buys_Broadcast_House (Advance)
1973-01-23_Staff Meeting_About_Sale
1974-03-06_Staff Resignations

The following are after the sale---
but are quite interesting
1979-09-02 What Happened to the Old Broadcast Team -1
1979-09-02 What Happened to the Old Broadcast Team - 2

Jim Stewart and CIGNA for the Broadcaster logo and microphone scans on the main page and the envelope indicia.
David Kaplan and Kenn Venit for scans of photos. Ed Brouder of Man From Mars Productions for scans of historical images. David Kaplan is the keeper of the archives. If you have something to contribute please contact

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