Technicians/Producers made it
are the
engineers, producers, and directors who made personalities look or
sound good on the air.
Names that show as links take you to remembrances.
Allshouse, Projectionist/Film Editor. Now: consultant for media
production and special events: Allshouse Production Services - West
Suffield, CT
Ron Angelo, Radio Engineer. 1952-1954 - Ross Miller Show, Frank Atwood
Show, Robert E. Smith.
Jim Aseltine, TV Director. Now ABC-TV New York. Passed Away
Stu Babcock, Supervisor of Technical Operations-TV.
Sam Balnius, Supervisor of Technical Operations-Radio, Passed
Bob Beaulac, TV Studio crew.
Roy Benjamin, TV Director. Passed away.
Bob Beyus, Video Engineer
Lynn Boscher, Photographer. Passed Away
Mary Bowe, Sound Engineer Passed Away
Ted Brassard, Engineer. Went to Voice of America in 1979. Retired in
1984, Passed
away. Obituary
Don Burkhart,
Photographer. Retired
Ciacchero, Projectionist.
Wilbur Clancy, Engineer.
Bob Coe, Engineer at WTIC pre-WWII, Went to WDRC where retired in the
1980s. Passed away
Cohn, Radio Engineer. Now Engineer @ WHDH, Boston.
Bill Conticello, Asst. Chief Engineer, TV Operations..
Howard Corey, Transmitter Engineer. Passed Away
Willis Davis, News Photographer
George Dawson, TV Studio
Engineer. Passed away.
Edward Derry, TV construction and maintenance. Passed
Bob Dobos, TV Engineer.
Len Doughty, Supervisor of Operations-Transmitter. Passed Away
Harold Dorschug, Vice President of Engineering R&D. Passed
Bob Downes. Steele's engineer. Passed
John Dwyer, TV studio crew. Passed
Photographer. Passed Away
Edwards, Radio/TV Engineering. Passed Away.
Fast, Chief Engineer. Now Dir. of Eng. WCBM, WVIE.
Ottavio Ferro, TV projectionist.
Charles Fitzgerald, TV Engineer. Passed away
Richard French, Radio Engineer, followed by VOA, now retired.
Mickey Gentile. TV engineer. Died about 10 years ago.
Ron Gates, News photographer.
Ed Gracyalny, TV Engineer. Now retired in Manchester CT. Passed
Bill Grasty, Radio producer.
Gerald Haber, TV Projectionist. Passed Away
Herbert Hankin, TV Studio Engineer.
Brian Hartnett, Producer. Formerly Communications Director, Phoenix
Home Life, Now Retired.
Herman Heinze, Cinematographer. Now in Oak Ridge TN. Passed Away.
Holcombe, TV
Engineer. Now in Los
Angeles CA.
Forrest (Baxie) Howell, Engineer. Retired early '70s, Passed away soon
Dick Huntley, Production Manager-TV. Passed
Jeff Israel, TV Engineer. Now with ESPN Bristol CT.
Al Jackson, Chief
Engineer-Radio. Passed away.
Janschewitz, Radio
Engineer. (See
also Personalities)
Nils Johnson, TV crew. Now Facilities Manager, CIGNA Communications
Richard Johnson, Projectionist. Now WPLG in Miami FL.
Kaplan, Radio
Engineer. Retired.
Norm Kiernan, Engineer pre-TV. Retired in mid-60s. Passed away at his
NJ home in 1996.
Kolouch, William, Engineer. Passed Away
Dan Kriwitsky, Engineer and
part-time Anncr, 1977-1980. Now in Florida.
Ed Kingsley, Engineering manager. Passed away in 1999.
George Kovacs, Engineer, Left WTIC in the 60s for NBC NYC, Passed away
many years ago.
Bob Kulish, Projectionist. Passed away.
Tom Lang, TV Studio camera.
Harold Levine, TV Engineer.
Bill Lobb, Engineer. Designed the Syncron line of microphones, believed
to be the first
electret-condenser units in
widespread use.
When Bill Hennessey last saw him, he was a respected audio consultant.
Joe Lorraine, TV Engineer Passed Away
Alastair MacDonald, Studio
camera. Passed Away
William R. Marks, Radio production manager. Passed
Owen Martin, Film editor.
Transmitter Engineer, Passed Away
Joe Matczak, Transmitter Engineer. Passed away.
Dan McAuliffe, Producer-Director TV.Passed Away
Ray McDonald , TV Engineer. Now retired in Maui HI.
Annie McHaffie, Traffic.
Marshall Milner, TV Studio camera. Passed away.
Don Moore, Director-TV. Now Composite Productions, Port Clyde ME.
Wayne Mulligan, Radio Engineer. Then Gen Mgr, Bulkley Broadcasting,
WDRC. Now Retired.
Steve Myers, Chief Engineer who built studios on Grove St. Passed
Gennaro Nicassio, Director. Now retired in Placentia CA.
Dick Oeser, TV Chief Engineer.
Harry Parcell, TV Production Manager. Passed Away.
David Patterson, TV Engineer, Passed Away
Fred Pearson, Radio Engineer. Now Mission
Critical Infrastructure Manager 3 for the DHS/TSA.
Frank Pingree, radio engineer. Went to ESPN and added on-mike
John Pohorylo, TV Engineer. Retired in Suffield CT. Passed
Bob Pronovost, Director.
Darryl Randolph, TV crew.
Chuck Renaud, Radio producer. Passed
John Reno, TV Chief Engineer. Telecommunications for Travelers. Passed Away
Charles Ripley, TV Engineer.
Passed away
John Roache, TV Engineer.
Robbins, Film editor/projectionist
Mike Russell, Radio Engineer. Passed
Sherry Black Sanderson, TV Producer.
Scanlan, Radio Engineer 1961-62. Was TV Broadcast Mgmt & Eng.
Consultant. Passed Away
Randy Scalise, TV Engineer. Passed away
Scherago, Radio
Engineer. Retired from
of America.
Email Web
Robert Schlenker, Film &
Video Editor. Bob was a film and video editor at ESPN and ABC’s 20/20
He edited many of Barbara Walter’s, Geraldo Rivera’s pieces during his
20 year career at ABC. Passed Away
Harold Schnerr, TV Engineeer. Passed Away
Peter Shaw, TV Engineer. Passed
Charles Sinatra, TV Engineer.
Kendall Smith, VP & TV Station Mgr. Went to CIGNA in 1976 as
Director of
Communications Services, retired 1988,
passed away 1999.
Robert Spencer, Radio Transmitter Engineer,
Passed Away 1994.
Dick Staley, TV Engineer. Now retired in Ormond
Beach FL. Passed Away
Ed Stephens, Engineer.
Jim Stewart, TV producer. Now Director of Communications Media, CIGNA.
Justin Tarnowski, TV Engineer. Passed
Herman Taylor, Chief Engineer-Radio.
Benjamin Terry, Producer. Passsed Away
Franncis Townsend, TV Engineer Passsed Away
Anthony Valentino, TV Engineer. Now ESPN Tech Ops Spvr.
Fred Wade, Announcer Passed Away
Edward Walsh, Producer-Director. Retired Neptune
Beach FL. (Reportedly
passed away)
Godfrey Walters, Cinematographer.
Passed Away
Jerry Weed, Film editor. Retired from ESPN.
Passed Away
Welch, Engineering Passed
Raymond Wilson. Passed away Feb. 24, 1989.
Ben Zinkerman, Radio Engineer.Passed Away
Zwirko, Radio
Engineer. Was Tech
Support Supvr. Voice of America. Now Retired