WTIC Alumni Site
In Memory of and Designed by Bill Clede
WTIC Locations Throughout The Years
Thanks to various alumni for help in compiling this information.
Check out commentary at the bottom!
Please Click On Location To See What Was There!!

WTIC-AM 02/25/1925
W1XSO 02/05/1940, W53H 12/15/1941, WTIC-FM 11/01/1943
WTIC-TV 09/23/57
Travelers Grove St. Building
26 Grove St. (Name Changed to Bob Steele Way 01/14/2014)
Hartford Transmiter Site 02/25/1925
26 Grove St.
(Grove St. name changed to Bob Steele Way 01/14/2014)
Hartford, CT
WTIC-AM-FM-TV 09/23/1961
"Broadcast House"
3 Constitution Plaza
Hartford, CT
WTIC-AM-FM 10/21/1974
"Gold Building"
1 Financial Plaza
Hartford, CT
WTIC-FM 6/20/99
WTIC-AM 8/20/99
10 Executive Drive
Farmington, CT
WFSB-TV 06/27/06
333 Capital Blvd
Rocky Hill, CT
Road Name Changed 03/05/20
3 D'Ascenzo Way
Rocky Hill CT
WTIC-AM-FM-TV / WFSB Antenna Farm 07/31/1929
Avon, CT
From Rich Zwirko:
I found an old "1974 Week at a Glance" notebook from almost 46 years ago in which I had written some notes about the progress of the construction of the WTIC AM/FM studios on the 19th floor of the Gold Building. The spiral bound compact calendar was squirreled way in the back of an old desk used in my Ham Radio work area in my home.
The first entry in the little notebook calendar was:
Monday September 2, 1974 - "Planned rack/equipment needed...jacks" 8 hours OT.
Tues Sept 3, 1974 - "My 1st day at the new building, installed plastic channel in racks....Got toolbox, jigsaw, blades and other tools at Greenspons, ordered vacuum cleaner, cable ties and heat gun". - 9-1/2 hrs OT.
For the rest of the month of September, from Monday thru Saturday every week I and other WTIC engineers put in between 9 and 12 hours of overtime each day as we worked to install racks in MC, consoles, equipment, cables, etc., as we build the new WTIC Master Control, studio control rooms, news booths as well as multiple studios for AM, FM air and production use.
By October 1st we started to feel the crunch, working between 12 and 15 hours of overtime 6 days a week until Saturday, October 19th.
On Saturday, Oct 19 with 2 days until cut-over, my notebook shows MR (Mike Russell), DZ (me, Dick Zwirko) and DK (Dave Kaplan) worked 17.5 Hours. On that day the book says that RIS (Robert I Scherago), and BZ (Ben Zinkerman) only worked 11.5 hours (slugs) in the final stages of construction for the cut-over from Broadcast House.to the Gold Building studios. The next day, Sunday Oct. 20, 1974 shows that DZ, MR, BZ worked 17.5 hours with RIS only working until 8 PM.
Monday, October 21 was the BIG DAY that I have marked in the book as "MOVE DAY!!!".
I recall, I think it was at 7:00 PM, cutting over the stereo FM signal only to discover that the audio going up to the STL transmitter on the 26th floor was out of phase. This resulted in nulling out audio for mono listeners ....Oooops....until we reversed one of the stereo pairs of wires at a punch block in one of the MC racks, which was connected to a cable to the 26th floor STL room.
Its hard to imagine all the work that our engineering crew had to do in less than 2 months time to get WTIC AM & FM moved to the new 19th floor studios.
So, the answer to your question is that WTIC AM & FM moved to the Gold Building on Monday, October 21, 1974, almost 46 years ago!
From Dana Whalen:
This is from a site called annex.fandom.com
In 2006, WFSB announced plans to move to a new facility in Rocky Hill. On May 25, 2007, the Constitution Plaza facility was flooded by a water main break. This damaged two of the station's cameras and its telephone system. The flooding caused the power to be turned off which in turn caused WFSB to go dark. The master control facilities of WSHM was also affected. On June 27, WFSB's master control was switched to the new facility, and on July 10, the remaining parts (mostly the news side) of the station's operation were moved to Rocky Hill as well.